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Edgewood-Colesburg CSD



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Safety Concern Announcement

With recent tragedies across the nation and in nearby communities, our thoughts are with the students and families. The safety of our students is a top priority, so each time there are injuries to students or violence on a school campus, it prompts us to pause and reflect on the safety measures and education, such as our standard response protocol we have in place. This also reminds us how important our efforts are to invest in forming trusting relationships with and among students in our schools.


We are grateful for our partnerships with the Delaware and Clayton County Sheriff’s Departments, who work closely with us to be diligent and in tune with individuals who may be in distress so we can prevent violence and respond appropriately to any threat. 


We all have a role in sustaining a safe learning environment. If you or your child see something out of the ordinary or concerning, say something to someone involved.  Please encourage your student use social media for a positive outlet and not to continue or share the negative and hate attitudes.  Report things to your teacher, principal or local law enforcement officials. Suspicious activity can be reported to Delaware County dispatch at (563) 927-3135 or Clayton County dispatch at (563) 245-2422 Of course, in an emergency, call 911.

Thank you for your vigilance in keeping the Edgewood-Colesburg School District safe. 


Your Partner in Education,

Rob Busch, Superintendent